PALS (Prayer and Liturgy Support)


Our PALS at St Thomas Aquinas are a group of children who are committed to supporting the Headteacher, RE Lead and the staff of the school in our Catholic ethos and mission.

Our PALS for the current academic year are:

Sophia (Principal PAL), Isla, Jessica & Shailene

These pupils have a significant part to play in the Catholic life of our school. 

The role of the PALS:

  • To be a role model for others;
  • To serve the school and the community;
  • To support Mrs McLernon-Evans and other adults in organising whole school events;
  • To work together as a team to carry out tasks as directed by Mrs McLernon-Evans.


Typical PALS tasks include:

  • Set up for Mass or assemblies;
  • Lead the Rosary and Stations of the Cross prayer times
  • Research, prepare and deliver an assembly each month on a chosen saint.
  • Monitoring of Prayer Areas throughout the school.
  • Support younger children during Mass and assemblies;
  • Writing or leading prayers for Masses and assemblies;
  • Represent the school at events i.e. Combined school Mass.
  • The upkeep of the Saints of the Month display board.


Saint of the Month - St. Aloysius Gongaza.

Our PALS shared a wonderful assembly with us on the life on St. Aloysius Gongaza. We learnt that he spent much of his life in spiritual reading, which led him to becoming a priest, praying long hours at night and fasting several times a week. St. Aloysius taught us that young people are not too young to become saints

Saint of the Month - St. Raphael

It was wonderful to have our PALS back with the Saint of the Month Assemblies.

They researched the life of St. Raphael and delivered a wonderful assembly to the whole school. There was an amazing question and answer session at the end. Well done PALS!

Operation Christmas Child

Our PALS were busy collecting, sorting, organising and transporting the shoeboxes that were kindly donated by our pupils and their families from our school for The Samaritan's Purse Appeal. The generosity throughout this whole appeal has been overwhelming and we thank you for making it such a success.