Welcome to Year 5

Our class Saint is St Francis of Assisi

St. Francis Icon


Autumn 1

In art this half term, the children have been creating mixed media portraits. Here are some of their fantastic art work.

This half term our Science topic has been Animals including humans. Here the children are presenting what they have learn about the different stages in infant development. 

Autumn 2

This half term, the Year 5 class assembly was on our class saint - St Francis of Assisi. The children did a wonderful job of sharing their knowledge with the rest of the school and parents, through drama, scripture and prayer. Well done Year 5. 

Year 5 have really enjoyed this half term's DT unit, where we have looked at where our food comes from, how to prepare a healthy meal and then adapted and made our own Spaghetti Bolognese! 

Spring 1

In Art this half term we are learning about installation art. In this lesson, the children to inspiration from artist Cai Guo-Qiang. They had to consider the display space and scale of their artwork and create a scaled-down version of an installation similar to Guo-Qiang’s gunpowder drawings, using a range of techniques to create 'explosions'. 

Our class assembly was all about Peace Sunday. The children shared the message given from Pope Francis on the meaning behind Peace Sunday this year, explained what peace means to them and shared the peace pledges that they had made in class this week. It was a really lovely assembly. Well done Year 5.