Welcome to Year 5

Our Class Saint is St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis Icon


Celebrating the Coronation

 We had a wonderful day filled with art, learning and laughter celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III. We completed an outdoor orienteering course, learnt all about the traditions and customs and about our new King and we created beautiful silhouettes of him filled with images all about him and his reign. We also had the chance to step into his footsteps... We hope you enjoy this slideshow! 


UKS2 Mass

Today we celebrated the 3rd Tuesday of Lent with Father George. Year 6 children lead the Bible Readings and Bidding Prayers and the Year 5 children lead the Procession of the Bible and the Offertory Procession. Father asked us to keep the Year 6 children in our thoughts and prayers this week as many of them will be takin their Confirmation this Thursday.

Teddy Bear Hospital 

On Wednesday 1st March we were very fortunate to have a visit from medical students from Staffordshire University with the Teddy Bear Hospital. There were 5 stations we visited to learn from the experts; we learnt how to call 999 and what information we would need in an emergency; we learnt about the importance of looking after not just your physical health but your mental health too; we learnt about how it might feel to be differently abled; we learnt more about asthma; and we learnt how a surgical team could operate to remove a swallowed pin! Thank you students from Staffs, the session was brilliant!!!


In P.E. this term with Bee Active we are honing our Athletic skills. In the first lesson we concentrated on jumping, going from a standing jump to a triple jump and working in teams to beat our personal bests. 

Stop Motion Animation Frogs!

Over the past fortnight we have completed a project where we combined our I.C.T know how with our new Science knowledge to create stop motion animations all about th life cycle of a frog. We will share the finished products with our reading buddies but for now here is a sneak peak...


Festive Fun

Picture news special

We joined in a Picture news special zoom where we took part in a quiz and craft activities making our own 3D Christmas Trees.


Christmas Sewing

We made these incredible stuffed tree ornaments in DT. We learnt how to use blanket stitch, how to applique and how to stuff and shape our designs. Don't they look amazing!


Christmas Cards

We worked on our pain blending skills to create these wonderful silhouettes - thank you Mrs. Mannion for your help with this activity! 

Wonderful William Morris

As part of our Victorian topic we have designed and created our own William Morris wallpaper! We took inspiration from his work and made three tiles to use to overprint. We chose a background colour, a middle ground design and a foreground design to layer our piece and had lots of fun getting covered in paint in the process.  

Working Scientifically.

With the help of Miss Richardson we have taken part in lots of wonderful Science experiments. We explored which cup would keep our hot drinks the warmest for longest using the data loggers and we also tried dissolving different materials. 


Our Class Assembly - Doctors of the Church.

On Friday 30th September it was wonderful to welcome you to join out assembly where we shared out learning about St. Jerome (whose Memorial falls on this day) and our very own St. Thomas Aquinas who are both celebrated Doctors of the Church. Thank you to those who came to watch, we hope you learned as much as we did.

Upper Key Stage 2 Mass

On the 4th of October with Year 6 we celebrated a Mass for the Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi. This Mass was especially important to us as he is our class Saint. Thank you to everyone who joined our Mass and made it so very special. 

Celebrating the Month of the Rosary.

We began the term by creating beautiful 3D Artworks of Mary to display on our Prayer Space - we hope you like them.